Sunday, August 16, 2020

Trombones: To Fly or Not to Fly


In preparing for a family vacation that involved a trip on a plane, my lovely daughter states that she wants to bring along her trombone.  Read that sentence again. Here’s the highlights: vacation, plane, bring trombone. Needless to say, the answer was no for multiple reasons. We’d have to check it, it could get damaged or lost, we are on vacation, it won’t fit in the overhead compartment. Seriously, if I have to explain to you the reasons why not, you may as well stop reading this and move on to some other blog post. Check out my Potato. Potato. post. So, basically, any reasonable person would accept this. My daughter did not. She pursued this request daily up to and on the day of travel and, alas, no trombone made it to airport.

 Fast forward through security to our gate. We’re sitting in some seats, waiting for boarding. Playing on our phones, reading  books, trying to chill. About 10 minutes before boarding, a young man appears. He’s at our gate, waiting to board the same flight. And on any other day, this person wouldn’t have caught any of our eyes but this day, ladies and gentleman, this day is not any other day. This is the day we are flying without a trombone on a plane. Then this guy (THIS GUY) shows up with a soft trombone case that can be worn as a backpack and carried on the plane.  Imagine the glare of a teenage daughter when she looks up from her phone and sees this person.  Really. Of all the days, of all the airports, of all the times, of all the flights, this guy (THIS GUY) just happens to be on the exact same flight at the same time in the same airport on the same day so the cosmic universe in all its wisdom could effectively provide my teenage daughter with physical proof that her parents are jerks.  I blocked what she said that day, I honestly can’t remember if she even said anything but I still think deep down, she hired that guy to show up.

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